Software and Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

This software has been developed under Windows 2000. It doesn't need any special resources so it should work under Windows NT/98.

For synthesis, placement and routing, and compilation, 3 softwares are needed:

Leonardo Spectrum

Synthesis is done by Leonardo Spectrum. The executable called "spectrum" is called by CoDeNios. It is normally installed with Leonardo. The only requirement is the user has to check that the path to access "spectrum" is present in the environment variable PATH.


Placement and routing, as the FPGA configuration, is executed by Quartus, supplied by Altera. It has been tested with two versions: v2000.05 and 2000.09. The executable "quartus_cmd" is called by CoDeNios to place and route. It is automatically installed with Quartus and normally the "path" environment variable should be modified to access "quartus_cmd". If CoDeNios does not start placement and routing properly the user must verify that the path for this command is correct.


For the C code compilation, Cygwin is used. It can be installed from the Excalibur development kit (this kit enables Nios use) , supplied by Altera.

Hardware Requirements

CoDeNios has been developed to configure an APEX20KE200 FPGA with one or more Nios processors and some hardware functions. This FPGA is present on a development board, supplied by Altera. This board need to be connected to the PC by two cables; one serial on COM1 to download the compiled code, and one ByteBlasterMV (parallel) on LPT1 to configure the FPGA.

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Last update: 02/11/01