DNA Sequence Comparison
String comparison is a critical issue in many application
domains, including speech recognition, contents search, and
bioinformatics. In this experience we present a parallel implementation
of string comparison on the BioWall.
Nowadays the comparison and the alignment of characters taken from
a finite alphabet is a fundamental task in many applications, ranging
from full-text search to computational biology. In particular, string
comparison is a critical issue in the field of molecular biology.
In fact, both DNA fragments and proteins can be represented as sequences
of characters (taken from alphabets of 4 and 20 symbols, respectively)
and sequence similarities provide useful information about the functional,
structural and evolutionary relationships between the corresponding
molecules. Biological sequences may differ because of local substitutions,
insertions and deletions of one or more characters. The complexity
of string comparison comes from the large number of possible combinations
of these three basic mutations.
The similarity between two strings
can be evaluated either in terms of edit distance or in terms of similarity
score. The edit distance is a measure of the minimum number of mutations
that may have transformed the first string in the second, or, in other
terms, of the minimum number of edit operations required to make the
two strings equal to each other. The similarity score is a measure
of the maximum number of residual matches between the two strings.
Both metrics can be evaluated in polynomial time by means of dynamic
programming techniques.

The key algorithm for evaluating the similarity between two strings
of length N and M was developed by Needleman and Wunsch and takes
O(NxM) steps to complete execution. The structure of the algorithm
makes it suitable for a parallel implementation on a systolic array.
In particular, hardware parallelism can be exploited to perform
string comparison in O(N+M) steps. In this experience we present
a parallel implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm on the

The BioWall cannot compete in performance with existing parallel
implementations of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, since it suffers
from the typical performance limitations of a large prototyping
platform. Nevertheless, the implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch
algorithm on the BioWall is a significant design experiment in the
field of reconfigurable computing because of the peculiarities of
the target architecture.

For further information
- M. Canella, F. Miglioli, A. Bogliolo, E. Petraglio, E. Sanchez.
"Performing DNA Comparison on a Bio-Inspired Tissue of FPGAs".
Proc. 10th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW03),
Nice, France, April 2003.
- S. B. Needleman and C. D. Wunsch. "A General Method Applicable
to the Search for Similarities in the Amino Acid Sequences of
Two Proteins" J. Mol. Biol., 48:443-453, 1970.