
The EPFL campus is located outside Lausanne and can be easily reached by public transports. Almost all hotels in Lausanne are situated in the city. We recommend that you make your reservation as early as possible.

Online reservation and complete list of hotels:

Lausanne Tourisme Online Hotel Reservation

Recommended hotels:

We suggest that Bio-ADIT 2004 delegates stay in one of the hotels listed below. These hotels provide special conference rates. Please mention "EPFL & Bio-ADIT" when booking. The prices in brackets are indicative prices for a single room. All prices/offers are subject to availability. Therefore, we recommend you to make the booking as early as possible.

Hotel Victoria (****) (no more rooms available at our conference rates)
Hotel Agora (****) (CHF 132, approx. USD 102)
Best Western Mirabeau (****) (CHF 144, approx. USD 108)
Hotel Elite (***) (CHF 117, approx. USD 88)
Hotel City (***) (CHF 132, approx. USD 99)
Jeunotel (CHF 79, approx. USD 60. This is a youth hostel. Due to the low standard prices there are no special rates offered.)

Useful Links:
Lausanne Tourisme
Lausanne : Eating and drinking